Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Alright Everyone,
So we're meeting at Fairview Mennonite Brethren Church (click here for directions) this Friday at regular youth time (7pm).
Jordan and co. are going to be leading worship over there so we're gonna go show our SSMBY support and join them.
So...7pm...Fairview MB Church.
Optional...come dressed as Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SSMBY Book of World Records

Alright Everyone,

Get practicing all your wonderful tallents and abilities...or just make some quack thing up...BECAUSE this Friday is:

SSMB's Book of World Records!

Regular youth time, regular youth place...I personally aim to break my record for longest sustained note (and hold the top record for guys and girls!) as well as set a record for Tetris!

See you all there!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Where's Waldo

That's right folks, tommorrow we are going to be playing "Where's Waldo". Now our "Waldo's" may not look like the well known hero of the popular book series (as seen on the left of your screen), however, they promise to be just as allusive!

We're meeting at the church at regular youth time (now 7pm with fresh new jams!) So be there ON TIME as we'll be leaving shortly after.

We will get into teams and then the race is on to find this years "Waldo's". Our Waldo's will be 'hiding' throughout the Pen Centre and at this time of year they shouldn't be that easy to spot.

For a warm-up, why not try your hand at the challenge bellow!

See you all Friday!
Peace & Love!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

30hr. Fast

Hey everyone,

Tonight at midnight we begin our fast for the Aids pandemic. I would encourage you all to take time to pray and reflect on the crisis that is facing our world as you feel hungry over the next day and a bit. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness". Tonight we begin a fast to declare that our hunger and our thirst is to see justice break into our world.

Every single day, 9500 African contract AIDS. The daily death toll is 6500.

Those numbers are worth praying about. Those numbers are worth giving up a couple meals.

Currently we are about $700 away from our goal of $3000...be praying that the money that people will bring in tomorrow will push us over our goal! With that money we will be making 20 Aids Care Kits for MCC!

I've planned a bunch of things for tomorrow night that I hope will be meaningful for us...tell all your friends and family to come to the worship service at 8:30pm! Even if they can't stay for the night, tell them to come!

Bellow is a prayer I found online (it comes from the Diakonia Council of Churches, based in Durban, South Africa). Feel free to use it throughout our fast:

Dear God, we ask you to walk with us in our HIV and AIDS filled world.
We pray expecting Your presence among us!

Be with all who live with the effects of this disease.
Be with those who wait to die because they have no access to medication.
Be with children who received HIV as a legacy from their parents.
Be with orphans and families who have lost loved ones.
Be with countries who have millions of citizens with HIV/AIDS.
Be with all who are stigmatised and ignored because they have HIV or AIDS.
Be with politicians and corporate executives who control access to affordable medications.
Be with researchers and scientists who work to find a cure.
Be with healthcare workers and caregivers who comfort and encourage.
Be with all who have lost hope because of HIV and AIDS.

Lord, we hear the angel's song of peace!
Fill the hearts of people around the world with good will
so that together we can work for justice and healing
for all who suffer from HIV and AIDS.


See you tomorrow and I hope that seeing people eating around you won't be too rough on you all!

God bless us as we do this together!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bowling this Friday + Rememborizers

That's right, this Friday we are going bowling!!!

But not just any kind of bowling...no, we're going 5-pin bowling which is a proud part of our heritage as Canadians.

Bring $4 for the bowling!

Also, if you didn't pay your doubloon ($2 piece) last week, bring that for Mark...as well, remember we always take an offering for our Global Family Project (the kindergarten in Serbia that we support as a group).

Finally be bringing in your forms and money collected for the 30hr. Fast...

Here's a sneak preview of the night...

12am Thursday...begin your fast.

All Friday...don't be eating nothing...take meal times to pray or reflect on the Aids pandemic facing Sub-Sahara Africa

7pm Friday...come to youth! (and still don't eat)

We'll be having somone from MCC come and share with us for a bit (that's the opening)

8:30pm Friday...Worship service in the sanctuary...tell everyone you know to come...Matt Klassen will be leading with some of our youth and we'll be using an interview with Bono that is just excellent as the "message" portion of the service...it'll be good. We'll also take an offering to give anyone there who hasn't sponsored a chance to be a part of things.

Afterwards...we'll be watching some movies in the youth room (significant ones at that)...there will be a room where people can go to reflect and pray as well.

At some point...sleep...

6am Saturday...wake up and go for breakfast...the 30hrs. is over!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Hey All, I realize that this is late...but I'm on my holidays, gimme a break...I shouldn't even be working!

Anyways, tonight is Get To Know Mark Night!

So, I won't give you any details, except that it's a food event...So if you could bring a doubloon (i.e. double loon or twonie as the more common folk call it) to help cover the cost, that would be excellent!

We'll hear a bit of Mark's story and then we'll do something that Mark is passionate about...so come on out, bring your friends, and be prepared for a supper cool night led by a supper cool guy!

Also, read the last blog about the 30hr. Fast...you gotta start getting in your sponsor sheets!

For the record...we just broke the $1000 mark ($1015 to be exact) so we're just over 1/3 of the way to our goal...time is running out, so be praying that we get there!

Our top 3 fund raisers to date are:

Paster Tom at $305 (and it would make my day if someone beat that!)
Alina at $220 (just slipped past Jordan for second place)
and Jordan at $160 for the bronze medal!

Get out there and lets see that $3000 mark shattered!

And now for the intro to the greatest show ever! I just downloaded all 6 seasons as you can't get it on DVD...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A Reminder:

I forgot to say in the last post...

Bring in your pledge sheets for the 30hr. Fast...Charity and I said that we would sponsor any youth $10 when you get your first $10 donation from someone else and that we'd also sponsor you $5 when you sponsor another youth $5 or more* BUT we're gonna put a deadline on that because we have a budget to live by...so you need to get in a pledge sheet to me on or before next Sunday (Nov. 18) to be eligible for that.

Also, to get your T-Shirts on the 30th you need to get your sheets in to me by Sunday Nov. 25th (with at least $150 in pledges...$200 gets you a T-shirt, button and bracelet!)

So far as a group we've raised $755
(we're on our way to our $3000 goal, but we still got quite a way to go!)

In the lead is ME at $245 and have earned my T-shirt, button and bracelet!
In second place is Jordan at $190
and for the bronze medal is Alina at $160

I encourage you all to try and beat us out of our medal positions!
A suggestion, just go through your facebook list and pick a bunch of people to ask...I got some good responses that way...then most of you have families you can ask too (Grandparents, Aunts, Unlcles...cousins...etc.) and there are also the many people in church too! So let's see those sponsor sheets coming in!

Lastly, thanks everyone for rolling with the punches last Friday when Brent couldn't come...Don't worry we'll get him in with us someday! But great cards for Noah's Ark...I called to find out how to send them and the woman on the phone said that they will love that! They'll go out tomorrow...also, well done to the group that collected shopping carts and litter, it's great that you guys were so willing to express love to our city in such a humble way. Also, to the groups that went for a walk through Old Pine Trail with me, keep that community in your prayers!

Don't forget to vote on our online polls...your favorite event for September was: The Farwell Party for Vic

Also, when you think of it, please pray for my Aunt Irma, Charity's Grandma and Jesse Klassen who are all in hospital...thanks to everyone who has been!

Love ya all,

This Friday

Alright everyone,

We're meeting at 6pm this week...not 7pm! Also, were going to leave pretty much immediatly...so that might mean for some of you that you should aim to be here for 5:45pm or for some of you 5pm even depending on how much you struggle with punctuality*
So...why are we meeting so early you ask?

Well, because we're going to be driving up to Oakville to a church called The Meeting Place to attend an MCC Youth event (it's part of their annual meeting and there will be students from all across Ontario)...It'll be big.

"So, what else?!?" you ask...
Well here it is, straight from the MCC website:

Friday, November 9 "The Underground" at The Meeting House
God is calling you into lives of compassion in a world with AIDS, Refugees and War. Join Bruxy Cavey and others in this interactive event for high school age youth.

It should be a great event!

Also, if anyone wants Charity and I are going to go again on Saturday for the MCC Ontario annual conference...there will be worship, speakers and some great break-out sessions...we've gone the last couple years just because we love it so much...so let us know if you want to come...the first 3 people to contact me will have a spot with us!

*If you struggle in this area as I do, I'd suggest trying out a wrist watch with alarm features on it...Charity made me get one and I've hardly been late coming home since!

Now here is another example of television programming that fed into making me the person I am...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Alright folks, so tonight is the one of the mostl anticipated and awaited for nights of the year...

The Hayride

Now a couple things you need to know (and tell others)...

1. Bring $5 to help cover the cost of things

2. Go to the washroom before we leave and strech your bladder as there are no washrooms

3. Tell all your friends to come as it will be awesome! Also, our group is in charge of leading the worship for the evening, so that's cool!

Now then, the evening will have a time of worship and then after that the 'worship' will continue as we mount the wagons and engage in HAYFEST 2007 (because all great things have the word Fest in them)...take note, you will have 2 options for the hayride!

1. You could go on the un-anabaptist inspired wagon of mayhem where the participants will convince themselves like little children that what they are doing is extreme (see above photo).


2. You could go on a truely extreme wagon...let the nay-sayers and their name calling of this wagon (i.e. "wussy-wagon") fool you...this wagon is trully extreme! The name calling is all part of it (this is nothing new for our people...we've been called bad names before). Tonight some very brave young men and women will gather on a wagon for The Flight from Russia Simulator. Join as we remember what so many Mennonites went through...were it not for their braveness there would be no Mennonite church in Canada!

So tonight, choose...will you embrace the worlds notion of what is "extreme" or will you do something trully extreme and experience the fear and drama of The Flight From Russia Simulator? The choice is yours...as for me an my household we will remember our past so that we won't be doomed to repeat it!

Also, don't forget to be getting in your Fast pledges!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Friday and the 30hr. Fast

Hey everyone,

Alright, so I want to encourage you all to get out there and be asking people to support you for our 30hr. Fast in November...we have just under 2 months which should be a good amount of time to be getting donations.

Think big...ask people on your facebook group, your family, at church, teachers...I'm going to have something put in our bulletin at Scott St. so the members will know we're doing this, all you need to do is start asking people...trust me a lot of people will actually be excited to give to such a great cause!

I put the word out to the members on the Scott St. facebook group and youth alumni and I heard back from someone saying to tell you guys to be asking them and they'll for sure support you...so, that's what I'm doing.

Currently we are at $260 which is around 11.5% of our goal, so we got some way to go, but if we all pull together I know we can smash that goal!

Now then, as to what we're doing This Friday for youth, it's our anual News Paper Fashion Show...so bring your creativity and see if you can out-create the legendary Sharktapus!

I don't have any pictures of the Sharktapus on hand, but here are some vintage youth shots from way back...and why yes that is Becky Lowen (nee Bartley) & Brenda Krumrei (nee Klassen) as Homer & Marge Simpson; Tim Durksen as a beautiful bride and Jordan Plett as I don't know exacly quite what...

Oh, and don't forget to vote on what your favorite September event was...
For those who are keeping track, Charity's Craft Night was the big winner for August with Make a Movie night as a distant second.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fire safety and this Friday!


I thought what with school starting this might be a good video to expose you to and help you all be informed in the importance of fire safety!


This Friday we are having a retirement party for Vic Fast, there will be a ton of fun and entertainment...however, I can't promise that we'll have a roast to the level of the following for Vic

But I may be wrong.

Also, we'll have a special guest appearance from my fellow Water St. resident Phil Reimer for our opening and many more surprises!

So, come one, come all to the retirement party for Vic.

Remember Youth starts at 7pm now...see you then!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bible Study Kicked-off

So last night Youth Bible Study started off to a great start! We talked about how you would like to see Tuesday Night's look for this year (content & format wise) and you gave some great input...

So, as per discussion...Next Tuesday we are going to start going through the Gospel according to Mark leading up to Christmas. We're going to spend the next couple weeks looking at the life of Jesus and I'll try to throw in some things to "spruce it up a bit" (i.e. media clips, activities, whatever I can think of)...I'm looking forward to some amazing discussion!

Then in the New Year we'll probably kick it old school and look at the Old Testament some more.

THIS JUST IN...Every 1st Tuesday of the month we're going to switch it up! On those nights we'll break from our regular study and seperate for a guy's n' girl's discussion night! The girls will be at 2A Water St. (Char and my place) and the guys will be upstairs at 339 Scott St. (aka the youth room).

Also last night we dreamed together as a group for things we'd like to see happen in our youth group and had an amazing time of prayer! I'm really excited to see what God is going to do this year!

Peace...and see you all next Tuesday at 2A Water St.!

Pastor Tom out...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Youth Sunday on Friday!

Alright, so to you're left you will see a picture of Robert Mason behind the pulpit at Scott St. MB Church. That picture is from last years Youth Sunday service and Rob was preaching. It's really cool that we have a church family that allows and has enough faith/trust in its youth group that we can take over the entire service!
So, this Sunday (September 9th) the youth of Scott St. once again will take over the entire service.
We're doing it all...greeting, ushing, leading worship...you name it*. So if you haven't been asked to do something for the service yet then talk to me (Pastor Tom)...I want to involve EVERYONE in one way or another! Email, call, something!
Also Friday we are starting at 7pm so make note of that...and actually this is just the first of a new usual thing...Starting this Friday youth starting time is moving to 7pm so put that into your schedules! Darryl Lowen is going to be sharing with us and then we're going to be practicing and figuring things out for Sunday, so come and find out how to do what you're doing and to support each other!
Also, be praying a lot for Sunday and especially for Danny Fast who is going to be preaching!
Lastly, note that the Summer Retreat was voted by you as our favourite event in July...now vote on August events!
*Well actually we don't have a sound person, and someone else is doing the prelude as they happen to be in town and really wanted to, but other than that...you name it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This Friday and some other stuff...

Guy/Girl Night!

This Friday the men and women of our group will be seperating!

The Guys will be meating (er meeting) at Scott St. at 6pm and then going tubing & water skiing!

After that we'll head back to the Wien's place for some midnight meat and possibly swimming...

So bring swim wear and some meat!

The Girls will be meeting at 2A Water St. at the regular youth time of 7:30pm...as to the details of what they'll be doing, I'm not allowed to know as I'm a boy...

This should be an awesome time for everyone!!!

Also, note that I realized I hadn't changed our monthly poll...it's changed now, but you'll only have a little time to vote on your favorite July event as August is almost done!

Be praying for our youth program...your leaders will be meeting soon to talk about this coming year and there are some good/exciting ideas.

Pray that God makes this the BEST YOUTH YEAR EVER!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kickball and Garage Sale

Hey all,

I want you to right now look through your stuff and see if you have anythings that you don't need...that can be sold!

This Saturday our church is hosting a Community Yard Sale and I'll be running a youth table. Hopefully there will be lots of good stuff to sell so that our youth group can keep doing lots of fun and exciting things without it costing you a ton. That's where you all come in.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you have anything you can donate for the yard sale! If you could bring it on Friday, that would be best.

Also, if you can help out on Saturday PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know. I could use some people helping me with the youth table and the church also needs 8 people to help with some kids games.

Let me know ASAP!


As you can see by the pictures and the title...We'll be playing:
so be sure to bring your "A" game because your "B" game just won't do!

Pastor Tom out...

Saturday, July 28, 2007


It's finally here!! This friday is the friday you've all been waiting for... CHARITY'S CRAFT NITE!!! Now keep in mind there are a few things you need to remember to bring, so I've attached the flyer to remind you.

Everyone needs to bring a 20cm square piece of fabric that you feel represents you. It doesn't need to be new. It can be cut out from an old t-shirt, or from wherever you can find a scrap that you like.

You will have a choice of two main crafts that we will be doing ...

1) French Memo Board - for this you do not need to bring any supplies

2) Stencil something - you will need to bring...
  • whatever you want to stencil onto
  • a drawing or printout of what you want your stencil to be of (keep in mind that you will have to make a stencil out of this so it shouldn't be too complex)
Also, if you can, please bring some money to help with the cost ($5 suggested)

And the most important thing you need to bring is... A CRAFTING ATTITUDE :)

See you there!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hey everyone,

We're going swimming this Friday!

So make sure you bring your swimwear and be at the church for 7:30. We'll be leaving soon there after to go to the Duerrstein's house.

If you're not a strong swimmer, I'm sure that you'll find the video bellow of great help!

"Make sure you constantly practice and never give up. Good luck, and we'll see you at the olypics"

Tom out...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Please Read

Hello everyone,

Bean wrote a great email that I want to get out to all our youth...so I'm sorry if you get this more than once...I hope you all read it AT LEAST once!Here it is:

I don’t know about you, but I had a great time on the retreat this past weekend. Spending time together in nature reminded me again, of the beauty of community and I appreciated the reminder of how important it is to be a part of a group that is not only a safe place to be myself in, but is a safe place to grow and be challenged in.

Mark talked about the importance of the choices we make and I really appreciated the honesty you guys shared with during the sharing time. It’s hard to see the impact that the choices you are making now will have in your future; who you hang out with, how you spend your time and money, the way you treat your family, even the movies you watch and books you read. All of these things will effect the person you become.

Who do you want to be? I read a quote once that said, “Life isn’t just about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” And I guess I want to challenge you to be intentional about exactly that, about creating yourself and becoming the person you want to be. Don’t just go with the flow of things and end up being a person you don’t want to be. Think about who you want to become and then make decisions that will help you get there.

Mark ended the weekend by summarizing the parable of the soils and gave us each a packet of seeds and asked us to think about the type of soil we are. I don’t know if any of you have done anything with that packet of seeds…I’m assuming that most of you haven’t, but I do want you to think about what type of soil you are and how you are or are not allowing God to work in your life and make you into the person he created you to be.

Back to me (Tom)

This Thursday for Bible Study we're going to skip a week with Shane Claiborne and instead talk about some of the things Mark talked about on the retreat. Don't worry if you weren't there, it'll still be good! So think about what Bean wrote and come this Thursday! We'll get back to our Irresistible Bible Study next week (Chpt.12)

And now for something completly different:


Hey Everyone,

Well I got some buttons made and here is what they look like:

If you want one (or more) they're $1 each. The Aids Care Now button isn't for sale though...I'm going to use that one as incentive for something we'll be doing in the fall as a group...but collect all the other 5! They'll be available at bible study tomorrow and at youth on Friday! Just one more reason that SSMBY truly is "Group Awesome!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So this weekend is our retreat...if you don't have your forms in already you need to let me (Tom aka youth pastor extrodinaire) know ASAP if you're coming.

I need a rough idea of how many ppl. are coming this weekend so I can plan for rides and food.
Also, if you have a tent, could you let me know ASAP.
Please message me ASAP!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Friday Night At The Movies!

Hello Everyone,

So this Friday we will be doing one of 2 things depending on weather...that is wether it rains or not*

If it doesn't rain, then...

We will be playing some lawn games followed by an OUTDOOR MOVIE! That's right we're going to be watching a movie outside under the stars!

So, bring a blanket or a lawn chair (click here for a good example of a lawn chair).

As well dress weather* appropriate

However, if it rains...then we will be making our own movies and watching them afterwards!

So, to recap...Friday, movies=Loads of fun!
Feel free to bring all your friends!

Pastor Tom out...

*Take note of the 2 different spellings of weather and wether as well as their use.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bible Study's Back!

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for those of you who were praying for me and the rest of our group who were in Montreal!

So, I'm back, and that means so is Bible Study!

We're still going through Shane Claiborne's book, the Irresistible Revolution...if you haven't been out yet for one of these talks I strongly encourage you to do so!

It of course helps if you're reading the book...this weeks chapter is Chapter 10 [Extremists for Love]. So, if you have a copy of the book read that chapter and make some notes and come prepared to talk about it...if you don't have the book, then just come prepared to talk, listen and learn!

Well, I'm off to go see Transformers tonight, hope you're all having a great summer!


P.S. If any of you are free during the day sometime, I'd love to go out with as many of you as possible during the summer...email me and we'll hook something up!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Hello everyone. I suppose you've all been wondering if we've arrived safely and how we're doing so here's a quick update. We arrived a little later than expected yesterday due to an unforseen amount of traffic, uggghhhh! But we arrived safely nonetheless. We had a little time to get aquainted with our new home and what we're up to this week and then we went out for dinner at a really cool restaurant.
Today we went to a french speaking Mennonite church pastored by a Congolese pastor, it was an excellent service, they even translated for us. The rest of the day was free for us so we roamed the downtown, took in some jazz and explored a couple giant churches, one of which even let Jordan play their pipe organ (see the picture).
Anyways tomorrow the work begins. Please be praying for us, we've a long week ahead.
Au revoir. (that means good-bye in french)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fire, fire and inferno-fire

Hey Everyone,

So this Friday we're going to my other parents...the Krumrei's and we're gonna have a bonfire as well as shoot some Fireworks off! We'll play some games before it gets dark (Gar is in charge of them, so I don't imagine they'll be dull.

*Bring some money to buy some fireworks! There's a place on the way to the Krumrei's that we'll stop at to get some fireworks and the more ppl. that bring money and get something the crazier our fireworks will be! (But, you don't have to, I guess)

Also, for those who weren't there on Friday for our lounge night, here's some video of me playing guitar hero:

(hint* there is a hidden link in here...as is often the case. Find it. It's of Mexico's Symphony of Fire display from last year...the mission team is going to see this years Mexican display when they're in Montreal!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lounge Night

Hey everyone, this Friday is a lounge night...which I'm sure you've guessed by both the title and this picture to the left of the text which show's a typical rendition of what could be any youth from our group lounging comfortably in a couch.

Start time is 7:30...but feel free to come early for 7pm if you want to hang in the youth room and play some fooseball (just so you know that's always an option most Friday nights).

Come out, blow some post exam steam and enjoy an evening of lounging about. There will be various things to entertain yourselves. Video games, board games, just chillaxing and listening to music...it'll be nice!

I'd say see you Friday...but of course that's only a half-truth as I'll see you before that, tomorrow night at Char and my place (7pm)!

P-Tom out...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cub Car races!

Alright, so race day is upon us...here are the things you need to know:

1. The weight of your car is not to exceed 7 ounces...standard cub cars call for 5 ounces, but with our big boy cars we've bumped it up 2 notches.

Cars will be weighed...cars exceeding 7 ounces will race, but will not be able to win the speed trophy. Just like Ben Johnson we'll strip you of your title!

2. There will be 1 trophy for fastest car and 1 for prettiest car...second place is the first looser!

See you Friday...put your race face on!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die!

Tonight for youth we're having a Progressive Supper which means we'll be going to a couple different houses and eating food stuff...MMMM!
See you EARLY at 6:30!!!

Also, if you have any pennies, bring em' and put them in our MCC Penny Power Jug! Plus, don't forget to bring some money for the kindergarten we support in Serbia.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thursday, Friday, Infinity and Beyond

Hello Everyone...First off for those reading along The Irresistible Revolution for bible study, I failed to mention what chapter we'll be looking at/discussing this week. So, I'll do that now...we're going to be looking at chpt. 5...that's right, only one chapter this week. So read chpt. 5 and come prepared for a great discussion! James and Mark will be sharing their stories at the start of the night, followed by a wonderful discussion. So if you normally don't come, come and even if you're not reading along come anyways (although the book is amazing and you'd be a better person for reading it)...I'd love to see EVERYONE in youth coming to bible study and even bringing all your friends...let's start changing the world!!

Next up...FRIDAY! We're going to be working on our Kub Cars, so I hope you got your block of wood in to Vic & Kev last week or have arranged another way to get it cut out. I'm looking forward to seeing the genious creativity of you all! Regular youth time, regular youth place!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Friday May 18th Group Awesome

This Friday we're going to be hosting a coffee house!

We're going to be transforming our gym into a swanky way better than Starbucks coffee house complete with all forms of delicious treats including one of my favourites tea; earl grey hot!

As part of the entertainment for our coffee house we're looking to you for your tallents. If you would like to perform something, then let Pastor Tom know ASAP. Also, if you are not able to perform something classy then we're also going to have a Karaoke machine present!

Plus, a couple other youth groups will be joining us which will add to the awesomeness of the night.

So see you Friday night for an awesome evening of relaxation, coffee, snacks and wonderful entertainment.

P.S. Bring along some money as the various items available will cost a nominal* fee

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Hello all,

Alright, Friday Night we are going to be going to see Eden Highschool's play. The cost is $8 for admission, so bring at least that much and a little more if you want some snacky.

We've blocked off 20 seats and need to fill them...so I need to hear wether you're coming or not.

You need to reply to me one way or the other

So help me if I don't hear from you I will charge you $8 and I won't let you come! So please reply NOW. It will only take you a second. Here, I'll help...yes your friends are going because it's our youth event, so don't bother taking time to ask them. Reply to me now and give me your answer!


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Tew-Night...& Tew-morrow Night

Hello all,

So tonight we are going to go hear the baptism candidates share their testimonies...among those sharing are Avril Harder and Emily Durksen, so come on out to support them and to hear how God has been at work in their lives and the lives of the others who will be joining the church on Sunday.

As for youth this Friday...well some things got moved around on our schedule some time ago, so while your church bulletin read coffee house...we are not having a coffee house...our coffee house may or may not take place on Friday the 18th...stay tuned.

So what we are doing is...well you'll have to come out and find out! Yes that does mean I have to plan what we're doing...and trust me, you will want to be there...well at least I will want you to be there. Please come.

end transmition

p.s. as always, find the hidden tracks!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hey, everybody. I was just wondering what everyone thought of last night. Any thoughts, comments suggestions?

Monday, April 23, 2007

This Friday- Interprative photography

OK this friday we'll be doing some creative photography, and to do this we need cameras. Digital ones, with a cable so we can look at them on the television right away. So if you can bring a camera let me know in the comments section of this blog. We only need maybe four or five because we'll be working in groups.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

SSMBY on Facebook?

That's right, SSMBY is now on Facebook...

So, are you hooked on Facebook?
What do you like about it?
What don't you like about it?
Do you prefer Myspace or Facebook?

Oh and also...Come help with the church renovations tonight [Wed. April 18]! Come at 5:30pm or any time after...there will be supper for those who come earlier!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

This Friday-Dinner Party

Hello Everyone...

First off spread the word! This Friday youth will be at 6:30pm so, tell everyone you see and have contact with (wether they're youth or not) that Youth is early this Friday and that they will want to be there!!!

Mike and Lauren Klassen have graciously agreed to come back for one special night only...if you miss this, yer outa luck BIG TIME!!!

They're going to be guiding us through making a meal which we'll then all eat together...so don't eat supper, come with your taste buds ready for a phenomenal experience you'll not want to miss!

See ya Friday!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mission Trip 2007: Montreal

Saturday June 30-Sunday July 8

Mark Durksen & Tom Friesen are looking for a few good youth!

Alright everyone, so just like we did 2 years ago, this summer we are going to be going to Montreal. Some of the fun we'll have there will be taking in some of the Montreal Jazz Festival and Symphony of Fire which are amazing! It's a cultural experience not to be missed and for me would be a major drawing card to living in Montreal.

We'll also experience the diversity that is the city of Montreal. It is a city steeped in religion (as can be seen in one of many huge, beautiful cathedrals...including one that Celine Dion got married in :) ). Yet it is also a city far from God. We will also work in some capacity with the poverty that is all too prevelant in every major city in North America.

The program that we will be a part of is Mennonite Central Committe's Learning Thru Service program which is described as "A service/learning opportunity for youth groups to understand cultural diversity and the circumstances of poverty." MCC has a house that we'll live in as a group. Each day we will be involved in serving alongside of one of the many agencies that MCC conects with (Last year we worked at a soup kitchen in the mornings and with a home that help people with various mentall illnesses be able to live on their own-as opposed to be in some institution). It was challenging and enriching. It will be an experience that you won't soon forget!
Information packets with everything you need to know are now available...Just ask Pastor Tom

Also, if you want to be part of the 2007 Mission Team let Pastor Tom know ASAP (but no later than April 27)...we're going to start meeting on the first Thursday in May...see Irresistible Bible Study