Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Things You MUST Remember for "The Trip"

Here is a list of some of the things we mentioned at the meeting tonite that you need to remember....

  • bring ID to cross the border. either a passport, or your birth certificate and a piece of photo ID (drivers license, student card etc.)
  • bring one set of chruch clothes. boys - no jeans, no shorts, collered shirt. girls - skirt (knee length or longer), no tank tops
  • bring american spending money, enough for 6 or 7 meals, snacks, and other things ($100 should do the trick)
  • pack no more than a mid sized duffle bag, and a carry along bag. bring it to the church friday nite, so we can pack it into the vans
  • be at the church at 6am sharp saturday morning

this is not an exhaustive list, but is a list of some of the important things that you may be inclined to forget

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