Thursday, March 22, 2007

Irresistible Bible Study

Alright, so I just recently finished reading this book and it was crazy!!! It made me re-think faith, church and the gospel a lot! So, I want to look at this book together with people! I want to look at it with some peers in a small group sometime and I especially want to look at it with my youth!

So, starting May 1st our Thursday Nite Bible Study is going to start looking at this book and talking about it. I want all those going on our Montreal Mission Trip and anyone interested to be a student leader next year (and of course all current student leaders) to consider this mandatory. On top of that I'd like many more of you to join in on the discussion.

I am willing to purchase a copy of the book for anyone who commits to being part of this conversations...that means coming regularly on Thursday's and reading the section we're talking about before hand. Don't worry, it won't be difficult...I read the entire book in a couple days.

What I need to know is how many books to either comment here that you want to be part of the study or else let me know some other way.

I hope all of you join will change you!

1 comment:

mark said...

a;sildfgal nfoidfvlervakdlfvalksdnf
a;sdfg ap'evap'mvp'aergpaewtpo;lcxs

i wouldst like a about bible study. i won't be there until after easter and i won't be there very many times after easter until mid May.

asgfaskdvl vaievnraeo'ivnraoibna'gf