Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun with Pat & Josh!!!

This weekend is the youth leadership retreat, up at Camp Crossroads. That means that our student & adult leaders will be joining other youth leadership teams from all over Ontario for a great weekend of team building, fun, and planning. But don't fret, that doesn't mean we're leaving you guys will be having fun with Pat & Josh while we're away.

Come out this Friday for a youth extravaganza...more accurately known as: make-a-movie-night, with Pat & Josh. It's going to be creative, fun, and hilarious, so you do not want to miss this.

Come to the church at 7:00 pm and bring a video camera if you've got one! We'll need 4-5 video cameras, so seriously, if your family owns one then please ask if you can bring it along. Also, make sure you bring the cables for it along as well or else no one will be able to see the cinematic masterpiece that your group creates.

Have fun!

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