Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Giant Games & Student Leader Initiation

After a 2 week hiatus, I'm happy to announce that this Friday we're back and ready to start up a new year of NEMBY!!!

We'll be meeting at Fairview MB Church, this Friday, at 7 PM for a night of fun!  Although we're just starting out with a new year of youth and it might feel a bit uncomfortable as we get to know each other, trust me, by the end of this year we will feel like a huge, happy family.  To get that family feel started we're going to be playing some family favourite, classic games...but since this is NEMBY there'll be a twist.  These games aren't going to be normal sized...they are going to be GIANT sized and the entire gym will be our table-top.  You'll also be meeting your 2013/2014 NEMBY student leaders this Friday.

See you on Friday!

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