Friday, December 12, 2014



Dig out your warmest winter wear because...THERE'S SNOW!!!!  I typically don't get this excited about snow (I'm more of a hot sun kind of person), but this is exciting because it means we can go tobogganing tonight!!!!  We'll meet at Scott St MB Church at 7pm.

Make sure you wear your snow pants, warm winter jacket, mitts, scarf, hat, and boots...seriously, last year some of you didn't listen to this instruction and complained about the cold the whole night.  If you've got a crazy carpet, snow saucer, or some other type of sled at home then bring it along (feel free to bring more than one if you've got more).

We'll end the night back at the church where we'll enjoy some hot drinks as we thaw out.  Have your ride ready pick you up from Scott St. at 10pm.

Also, remember that tonight is our last night to collect money for our Christmas project...stockings for at-risk youth.  LET'S FINISH THIS STRONG.  Dig deep and bring your last donations to the project along tonight.

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