Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Haute Couture au Gazette

Hey everyone, Robert Mason here.

This upcoming Friday (as you've probably guessed from my clever Blog Title) is going to the Newspaper Fashion Show. This has been tons of fun in the past and I know I'm just itching for another shot at designing newspaper clothing.

However, to ensure sufficient quantities of newspaper, we will need your assistance. This is fairly straightforward and merely involves you collecting newspapers and bringing them to the church on Friday. This does not mean that I want you going around stealing newspapers from your neighbours before they've even taken them inside. And this does not mean I want you to assault the paperboy (paperperson?) in order to loot their supply. All I want is for you to collect unwanted papers from your own home when your family is done with them.

Then, Friday night we'll design glorious fashion statements out of the newspaper!

This has been another successfl blogging event by Robert Mason.

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