Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bowling this Friday + Rememborizers

That's right, this Friday we are going bowling!!!

But not just any kind of, we're going 5-pin bowling which is a proud part of our heritage as Canadians.

Bring $4 for the bowling!

Also, if you didn't pay your doubloon ($2 piece) last week, bring that for well, remember we always take an offering for our Global Family Project (the kindergarten in Serbia that we support as a group).

Finally be bringing in your forms and money collected for the 30hr. Fast...

Here's a sneak preview of the night...

12am Thursday...begin your fast.

All Friday...don't be eating nothing...take meal times to pray or reflect on the Aids pandemic facing Sub-Sahara Africa

7pm Friday...come to youth! (and still don't eat)

We'll be having somone from MCC come and share with us for a bit (that's the opening)

8:30pm Friday...Worship service in the sanctuary...tell everyone you know to come...Matt Klassen will be leading with some of our youth and we'll be using an interview with Bono that is just excellent as the "message" portion of the'll be good. We'll also take an offering to give anyone there who hasn't sponsored a chance to be a part of things.

Afterwards...we'll be watching some movies in the youth room (significant ones at that)...there will be a room where people can go to reflect and pray as well.

At some point...sleep...

6am Saturday...wake up and go for breakfast...the 30hrs. is over!

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