Monday, May 15, 2006


Hey everyone, check out the SSMBY video that was shown at Youth Sunday. Just click on the it by the links section of this blog. Plus comment on it too.

If you haven't figured out how to can do that by clicking on "comments" underneath this (or any of the posts on the blog), then write your comment in the comment box and then finally click on the appropriate button for yourself (blogger if you're a member of blogger, or other if you're not...don't use annonymous, because I'd like to know who it is that's posting). Then do the "word varification" and your post will be posted!


Anonymous said...

Hey tom, nice blog you have going here.

BTW Who won the Photo scav. hunt?

Anonymous said...


I love exploiting the system.

Anonymous said...


Charity said...

Mark's team won the photo scavenger hunt. I forget exactly who was on his team...

Charity said...

Also, if you're looking at the video, take note that the first 25 seconds or so is just the dvd menu, so u can either wait 25 seconds at the beginning before the video starts or skip over that part

Anonymous said...

I was on marks team.

Gary Wiens said...

Hey Charity, I just wanted to say good job on the video. And to the rest of you it looks I've been missing some good times (Tom your Hogan impression made me smile) I looking forward to seeing you all again in August and I will be looking to kick some of your butts again for old times sake:)